Dartford Masood Adrian Russell Ajao

Dartford Masood Adrian Russell Ajao. Man in his early fifties who has a history of violence, background in martial arts who has lived in Luton and Birmingham. Dartford born Masood ‘Adrian Russell Ajao’ became a Muslim late in prison. His daughter who is quite good looking recently converted to Islam. The pressure on women toContinue reading “Dartford Masood Adrian Russell Ajao”

The Division Bell, High Hopes, The 5th Wave And Other Video’s

We all have such high hopes and standards about entertainment video’s and The 5th Wave for me was no exception. It reminded me of Pink Floyd’s Division Bell music video you can listen and watch below. The 5th Wave is a new film out about the occupation of earth by a race known only asContinue reading “The Division Bell, High Hopes, The 5th Wave And Other Video’s”

Reactions, distractions, fears and tears

For every message we make, there has to be some sort of forethought. There are so many ways reactions take place, understanding who you are talking to helps, finding out who you are talking to is not all that easy. I could share with you some ways to find out more about your readers probablyContinue reading “Reactions, distractions, fears and tears”

Speakers Christopher Hitchens, Tariq Ramadan 2010 discussion about faith, Islam and Christian Peace

France is an interesting country where law and government make decisions unique in a sense to my previous point made in a earlier post about leadership. Tariq has a French accent so I assume he lives in France. In this talk he also highlights the right to criticise governments which is perhaps another French linkContinue reading “Speakers Christopher Hitchens, Tariq Ramadan 2010 discussion about faith, Islam and Christian Peace”